Monday, March 12, 2012

434 数算主恩 Count Your Blessings

434 数算主恩 Count Your Blessings

1有时遇见苦难  如同大波浪
有时忧愁丧胆  几乎要绝望

若把主的恩典  从头数一数
必能叫你惊讶  立时乐欢呼


*主的恩典  样样都要数
主的恩典  都要记清楚

主的恩典  样样都要数
必能叫你惊讶  立时乐欢呼

2有时挂念世事  如同挑重担
有时背着十架  觉着苦难堪

若数主的恩典  疑惑即消除
必能叫你快乐  立时赞美主

3每逢遭遇战争  不论大或小
不要丧胆  因主早已得胜了

深知主有恩典  必甘愿辅助
安慰引导我们  一直见天父

1 When up on life’s billows
you are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged
thinking all is lost

Count your many blessings
name them one by one
And it will surprise you
what the Lord hath done


* Count your blessings
name them one by one
Count your blessings
see what God hath done

Count your blessings
name them one by one
Count your many blessings
see what God hath done

2 Are you ever burdened
with a load of care
Does the cross seem
heavy you are called to bear

Count your many blessings
ev’ry doubt will fly
And you will be singing
as the days go by

3 So amid the conflict
whether great or small
Do not be discouraged
God is over all

Count your many blessings
angels will at tend
Help and comfort give you
to your journey’s end


  1. thx for your pose, our church use the Hymn book as you pose
