Tuesday, June 08, 2010

026 永生神就是灵 Immortal, Invisible


1 永生神就是灵 智慧广无边
深居在光明中 肉眼不能见
极丰富极荣耀 亘古至永远
至权能永胜利 我众乐颂赞

2 不急躁 不烦乱 神恬然无言
看万有不缺乏 皆属祂掌管
祂公义如高山 极显赫威严
慈爱恩 绕脚前 汇成为泉源

3 宇宙中众生命 皆从主而来
惟靠主能存活 因主是真宰
人一生如草木 转眼便朽坏
惟有主永长存 永远不更改

4 主伟大又圣洁 是众光之父
众天使皆崇拜 但不敢仰目
众圣徒献颂赞 求助我瞻望
在宝座所隐藏 圣天父荣光

1 Immortal invisible, God only wise
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes
Most blessed most glorious the Ancient of Days
Almighty victorious Thy great name we praise

2 Unresting unhasting and silent as light
Nor wanting nor wasting Thou rulest in might
Thy justice like mountains high soaring above
Thy cloud which are fountains of goodness and love

3 To all life Thou givest to both great and small
In all life Thou livest the true life of all
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree
And wither and perish but naught changeth Thee

4 Great Father of glory pure Father of light
Thine angels adore Thee all veiling their sight
All praise we would render O help us to see
‘Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee


  1. For verse 1 row 3, 互古 should be 亘古.

    Thank you very much for posting these lyrics for everyone to use. It is still very useful some 10 years later! I'm sure these will bless many other churches just as they have blessed ours :)

  2. For verse 1 row 2, in accessible should be inaccessible.
