Monday, December 12, 2011

240 白超乎雪 Whiter than Snow

240 白超乎雪 Whiter than Snow

1耶稣我救主 除我心中污秽
为我毁偶像 为我驱除魔鬼
将我心洗净 使我白超乎雪



2恳求主耶稣 察我心肠里面
献上身与心 献上所知一切
求将我洗净 使我白超乎雪

3恳求主耶稣 怜我软弱心灵
求主临近我 为我造颗新心
主对寻求人 从不出语拒绝
求将我洗净 使我白超乎雪

4恳求主耶稣 使我完全清洁
向主十字架 我愿仰望不歇
深信主流血 为使我罪得赦
求将我洗净 使我白超乎雪

1 Lord Jesus I long to be perfectly whole
I want Thee for ever to live in my soul
Break down ev’ry idol cast out ev’ry foe
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow


Whiter than snow
Yes whiter than snow
Now wash me and
I shall be whiter than snow

2 Lord Jesus look down from Thy throne in the skies
And help me to make a complete sacrifice
I give up myself and whatever I know
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow

3 Lord Jesus for this I most humbly entreat
I wait blessed Lord at Thy crucified feet.
By faith for my cleansing I see Thy blood flow
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow

4 Lord Jesus Thou se-est I patiently wait
Come now and with in me a new heart create
To those who have sought Thee Thou never saidst No
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow