Tuesday, May 18, 2010

023 袮真伟大 How Great Thou Art!

袮真伟大 How Great Thou Art!

1 主啊 我神 我每逢举目观看
你手所造 一切奇妙大工

看见星宿 又听到隆隆雷声
祢的大工 遍满了宇宙中

2 当我想到 神竟愿差他儿子
降世舍命 我几乎不领会

主在十架 甘愿背我的重担
流血舍身 为要赦免我罪

3 当主再来 欢呼声响澈天空
何等喜乐 主接我回天家

我要跪下 谦恭的崇拜敬奉
并要颂扬 神阿 祢真伟大

* 副歌:

我灵歌唱 赞美救主我神
祢真伟大 何等伟大(X2)

1 O Lord my God
when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works
Thy hands have made

I see the stars
I hear the mighty thunder
Thy pow’r thru out
the universe displayed

2 And when I think that God
His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die
I scarce can take it in

That on the cross
my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died
to take away my sin

3 When Christ shall come
with shout of acclamation
And take me home
what joy shall fill my heart

Then I shall bow
in humble adoration
And there proclaim my God
how great Thou art

* Chorus:

Then sings my soul
my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art
how great Thou art (x2)

022 你信实何广大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness

你信实何广大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness

1 你信实何广大 上帝我天父
你绝对无阴影 光明永住
你的慈悲怜悯 长存不改变
过去现在如是 今后亦然

2 夏天继续春天 冬天接秋天
太阳月亮众星 循轨运行

我心响应宇宙 同证主慈爱
上主万般信实 常存永在

3 既赐赦罪救恩 又赐他平安
亲身向我显现 慰抚万般

赐我天天力量 赐光明前途
已受恩惠重重 还有千万

* 副歌

你信实何广大 你信实何广大

我一切需要 你全安排妥当
何等的大信实 主赐给我

1 Great is Thy faithfulness
O God my Father
There is no shadow
of turning with Thee

Thou changest not
Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been
Thou forever wilt be

2 Summer and winter
and springtime and harvest
Sun moon and stars
in their courses above

Join with all nature
in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness
mercy and love

3 Pardon for sin and a peace
that endureth
Thine own dear presence
to cheer and to guide

Strength for today
and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine
with ten thousand beside

* Chorus:

Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see

All I have needed
Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto me

021A 祂是主 He Is Lord

祂是主 He Is Lord

祂是主 祂是主
祂已经从死里复活 祂是主

He is Lord He is Lord
He is risen from the dead and He is Lord
Every knee shall bow every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

021 快乐快乐我们崇拜 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

快乐快乐我们崇拜 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

1 快乐 快乐 我们崇拜
心如花开 到主面前
主如旭日 我欢迎

苦意愁云 恳求消化
永恒快乐 求主赏赐

2 主是不断赞美中心
群星天使 团聚讴歌

高山幽谷 沃野森林
清歌小鸟 轻注流泉

3 永远祝福永受尊荣
生之快乐 活水源头

主是父亲 基督是兄
求教我们 怎样相爱

4 晨星引起伟大歌声

我们前进 歌唱不停
得胜生涯 凯歌声里

1 Joyful joyful we adore Thee
God of glory Lord of love
Hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee
Hail Thee as the sun above

Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt away
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day

2 All Thy works with joy surround Thee
Earth and heav’n reflect Thy rays
Stars and angels sing around Thee
Center of unbroken praise

Field and forest vale and mountain
Bloss’ming meadow flashing sea
Chanting bird and flowing fountain
Call us to rejoice in Thee

3 Thou art giving and forgiving
Ever blessing ever blest
Well-spring of the joy of living
Ocean depth of happy rest

Thou the Father Christ our Brother
All who live in love are Thine
Teach us how to love each other
Lift us to the joy divine

4 Mortals join the mighty chorus
Which the morning stars began
Father love is reigning o’er us
Brother love binds man to man

Ever singing march we onward
Victors in the midst of strife
Joyful music lifts us sunward
In the triumph song of life

020 上主是我坚固保障 A Mighty Fortress Is My God

上主是我坚固保障 A Mighty Fortress Is My God

1 上主是我坚固保障  是我山寨和避难所
苦海汪洋主为救星  似无生路我仍有望

虽有凶恶仇敌  攻击不留余力
对我仇恨刺骨  常用狡猾引诱

2 我若单靠己力行走  每遇战争必要退败
须有能者随时帮助  即神设立救赎恩主

若问所设为谁  乃主耶稣基督
又称万有主宰  永远并无更改

3 若全世界充满鬼魔  救主圣徒仍能安然
仇敌降灾设下网罗  主为道路助我胜过

幽暗魔王兴起  我靠救主能抵
敌怒不能久长  敌迫我能忍受
主言一出 敌即败溃

4 主言有权高过万王  世上帝王不能相比
圣灵恩赐全备可信  降于我身何等奇妙

名利任其失去  生命我也无虑
身家虽然失丧  主道终必兴旺

1 A mighty fortress is our God
A bulwark never failing
Our helper He amid the flood
Of mortal ills prevailing

For still our ancient foe
Doth seek to work us woe
His craft and pow’r are great
And armed with cruel hate
On earth is not his equal

2 Did we in our own strength confide
Our striving would be losing
Were not the right Man on our side
The Man of God’s own choosing

Dost ask who that may be
Christ Jesus it is He
Lord Sab-a-oth His name
From age to age the same
And He must win the battle

3 And tho this world with devils filled
Should threaten to undo us
We will not fear for God hath willed
His truth to triumph thru us

The prince of darkness grim
We tremble not for him
His rage we can endure
For lo His doom is sure
One little word shall fell him

4 That word above all earthly pow’rs
No thanks to them a bid-eth
The Spirit and the gifts are ours
Thru Him who with us sideth

Let goods and kindred go
This mortal life also
The body they may kill
God’s truth a-bid-eth still
His kingdom is forever

Monday, May 17, 2010

019 诸天赞美

1 诸天啊皆当赞美主

众口舌 当来赞美主

2 赞美主因祂大荣耀


1 Praise the Lord Ye heav’n adore Him
Praise Him angels in the height
Sun and moon rejoice before Him
Praise Him all ye stars of light

Praise the Lord For He hath spoken
Worlds His mighty voice obeyed
Laws which never can be broken
For their guidance He hath made

2 Praise the Lord For He is glorious
Never shall His promise fail
God hath made His saints victorious
Sin and death shall not prevail

Praise the God of our salvation
Hosts on high His pow’r proclaim
Heav’n and earth and all creation
Laud and magnify His name

018 欢欣感谢 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

欢欣感谢 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

1 心中清洁的人


2 奔走人生长途
自幼至老 昼夜颂赞


3 最后行完路程


1 Rejoice ye pure in heart
Rejoice give thanks and sing
Your festal banner wave on high
The cross of Christ your King

Rejoice (Rejoice) rejoice (rejoice)
Rejoice give thanks and sing

2 Bright youth and snow-crowned age
Strong men and maidens meek
Raise high your free exulting song
God’s wondrous praises speak

Rejoice (Rejoice) rejoice (rejoice)
Rejoice give thanks and sing

3 Still lift your standard high
Still march in firm array
As warriors thru the darkness toil
Till dawns the golden day

Rejoice (Rejoice) rejoice (rejoice)
Rejoice give thanks and sing

017 主手所造 All Creatures of Our God and King

主手所造 All Creatures of Our God and King

1 主手所造万象生灵
哈利路亚 哈利路亚

温柔明月 光耀日轮
狂风 密云 清晨 黄昏
赞美真神 赞美真神
哈利路亚 哈利路亚 哈利路亚

2 清清河水长流不歇
哈利路亚 哈利路亚

哈利路亚 哈利路亚 哈利路亚

3 仁心世人遵守生命
饶恕弟兄 荣神益人
哈利路亚 哈利路亚

赞美真神 赞美真神
哈利路亚 哈利路亚 哈利路亚

4 万物赞美造物主宰
哈利路亚 哈利路亚

赞美真神 赞美真神
哈利路亚 哈利路亚 哈利路亚

1 All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
Alleluia Alleluia

Thou burning sun with golden beam
Thou silver moon with softer gleam
O praise Him O praise Him
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

2 Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in heav’n along
O praise Him Alleluia

Thou rising morn in praise rejoice
Ye lights of evening find a voice
O praise Him O praise Him
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

3 And all ye men of tender heart
Forgiving others take your part
O sing ye Alleluia

Ye who long pain and sorrow bear
Praise God and on Him cast your care
O praise Him O praise Him
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

4 Let all things their Creator bless
And worship Him in humbleness
O praise Him Alleluia

Praise praise the Father praise the Son
And praise the Spirit Thee in One
O praise Him O praise Him
Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia

016 仰看天空浩大无穷 The Spacious Firmament on High

仰看天空浩大无穷 The Spacious Firmament on High

1 仰看天空 浩大无穷
万千天体 错杂纵横

一轮红日 西落东升
普照万类 至正至公

2 温柔明月 清辉似银

在她周围 无数星辰
一面游行 一面颂神

3 虽然他们谦虚恭敬
长期静默 来复周行

光明之中 赞美颂称
造我之主 神圣全能 阿们

1 The spacious firmament on high
With all the blue ethereal sky
And spangled heavens a shining frame
Their great Original proclaim

Th’ unwearied sun from day to day
Does his Creator’s power display
And publishes to every land
The work of an almighty hand

2 Soon as the evening shades prevail
The moon takes up the wondrous tale
And nightly to the listening earth
Repeats the story of her birth

While all the stars that round her burn
And all the planets in their turn
Confirm the tidings as they roll
And spread the truth from pole to pole

3 What though in solemn silence all
Move round the dark terrestrial ball
What though no real voice nor sound
Amid their radiant orbs be found

In reason’s ear they all rejoice
And utter forth a glorious voice
For ever singing as they shine
The hand that made us is divine Amen

015 万世之宗 Ancient of Days

万世之宗 Ancient of Days

1 万世之宗 高居宝座荣耀中
万方之民众 叩拜敬而恭
有世以来 万灵一向蒙恩宠
真理与生命 自古赏赐丰

2 圣哉天父 历代导引众选民
云柱与火柱 昼夜作南针
经过红海 经过旷野与山林
我众行世路 求赐指导恩

3 圣哉耶稣 万民救主和平王
大爱奇妙力 宁息纷争浪
福音到处 凶顽强暴化驯良
和平临世界 赖主恩浩荡

4 圣哉圣灵 赏赐我众新生命
振我众精神 感我众内心
浩如河江 流来活力何丰盈
多欢欣快乐 多安慰和平

1 Ancient of Days who sit test throned in glory
To Thee all knees are bent all voices pray
Thy love hast blest the wide world’s wondrous story
With light and life since Eden’s dawning day

2 O Holy Father who hast led Thy children
In all the ages with the fire and cloud
Thru seas dry-shod thru weary wastes be wild’ring
To Thee in rev’rent love our hearts are bowed

3 O Holy Jesus Prince of Peace and Savior
To Thee we owe the peace that still prevails
Stilling the rude wills of men’s wild behavior
And calming passion’s fierce and stormy gales

4 O Holy Ghost the Lord and the Life giver
Thine is the quick’ning pow’r that gives increase
From Thee have flowed as from a pleasant river
Our plenty wealth prosperity and peace

014 恳求圣父来临 Come, Thou Almighty King

恳求圣父来临 Come, Thou Almighty King

1 恳求圣父来临

求主统治我们 万古之神

2 恳求圣子来临

建立善义公平 救主良朋

3 恳求圣灵来临

永不离开我们 大能圣灵

4 圣父 圣子 圣灵

虔诚亲爱崇敬 直到永恒

1 Come Thou Almighty King
Help us Thy name to sing
Help us to praise

Father all glorious
O’er all victorious
Come and reign over us Ancient of Days

2 Come Thou Incarnate Word
Gird on Thy mighty sword
Our prayer attend

Come and Thy people bless
And give Thy word success
Spirit of holiness On us descend

3 Come Holy Comforter
Thy sacred witness bear
In this glad hour

Thou who almighty art
Now rule in ev’ry heart
And ne’er from us depart Spirit of pow’r

4 To the great One in Three
Eternal praises be
Hence ever more

His sov’reign majesty
May we in glory see
And to eternity Love and adore

013 我要虔心称赞救主 Awake, My Soul, to Joyful Lays

我要虔心称赞救主 Awake, My Soul, to Joyful Lays

1 我要虔心称赞救主

这大恩惠 当怎爱惜
这大恩惠 这大恩惠
这大恩惠 白白支取

2 我陷罪中祂看见我

这大恩惠 当怎爱惜
这大恩惠 这大恩惠
这大恩惠 丰富无比

3 魔鬼设计害我灵魂

这大恩惠 当怎爱惜
这大恩惠 这大恩惠
这大恩惠 壮大无比

4 今世或有患难逼迫

这大恩惠 当怎爱惜
这大恩惠 这大恩惠
这大恩惠 长流不止

1 Awake my soul to joyful lays
And sing thy great Redeemer’s praise
He justly claims a song from me

His loving kindness O how free
Loving kindness loving kindness
His loving kindness O how free

2 He saw me ruined by the fall
Yet loved me not with standing all
He saved me from my lost estate

His loving kindness O how great
Loving kindness loving kindness
His loving kindness O how great

3 Tho num’rous hosts of mighty foes
Tho earth and hell my way oppose
He safely leads my soul along

His loving kindness O how strong
Loving kindness loving kindness
His loving kindness O how strong

4 When trouble like a gloomy cloud
Has gathered thick and thundered loud
He near my soul has always stood

His loving kindness O how good
Loving kindness loving kindness
His loving kindness O how good